Thursday, June 16, 2016
I am the oldest child of 6 of Dads children. Everyone called him Slim. My dad was Pilar of Strenght and worked very hard and thru Determination, Hard work and a "Can Do" Believe, He did achieve the American Dream. He was a very Intelligent man and had very little schooling. But he did not even need to finish High School to do that. He taught me values like self reliance,dignity be self- dependent empathy and to care about others. But mostly he made us all strong people because of his belief. If you want something then you are going to have go and get it for your-self. As You can only Depend on your self,if you want something. He also used to be on TV for Brunswick Bowling Championships. His achievements in live where so vast, I would have to write a book to list them all. And also thanks for the long legs, Dad! You where a Man's man, and worked so hard and never really took vacations, or every really thought of any thing but hard work. He and my mom where still in Love all the way until, his Sad and sudden passing. I cryed so hard when you passed as I Truly wanted to be there. But could not afford to come But in my heart I will always be with you. And I am so very happy that I had a Dad that knew Just how hard live is and had the for-site to make us almost as strong as him. May You Rest with the Angels and God watches over you.